A Sparkle of Silver Review


TITLE: A Sparkle of Silver

AUTHOR: Liz Johnson

ISBN13: 9780800729622

PUBLISHING: Fleming H. Revell Company

RELEASE DATE: October 16th 2018

PAGES: 368

GENRE(S): Romance, Contemporary, Mystery, Christian Fiction


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STAR RATING: 5 *****


How can I make this review NOT like one of my favorite books I’ve read this year? Best give up now. I would be a liar and that’s not what I’m about. I’d give this book a good, solid handshake and 5 fat stars on the front, spine, and rear. This masterpiece was a bright light of joy for me the 24 hour time span it took me to read it; stopping only for nourishment and other horrid necessities that kept me from enjoying this in one gulp.

A Sparkle of Silver is not something I normally pick up. I rarely nab a book with people on the front cover, it’s against my mental nature. I don’t know why, so don’t ask. But let me tell you – I’m SO glad I yanked this book as quick as I could. WITH THE WRONG SYNOPSIS LISTED ON THE SIGN UP PAGE. That’s right, I had no idea what this book was about and still, I took a jog over to a woman-on-the-cover bit of faith.

Now, on to the loves of my life in this book. Characters – wonderful. Plot – fun, light, enjoyable, a little predictable but such a journey to uncover the hows, whys, and other typical mystery genre answers. Writing style – as if I was reading a letter from an old friend, easy to follow, smooth like butter. Pacing – perfect. Romance – never enough in a book to me, but, enough to get the butterflies to attack. If only I could worship Liz Johnson right here, right now. Her novel hit the spot as she spun this beautiful story of love, family bond, and forgiveness. I’m appalled at myself I haven’t read more of her books (which I will now do).

Millie Sullivan is a hard-working woman in her early twenties trying to get to that painful point of life: when you have more than $5 in your bank account at any given time. She’s lived a rough, but wonderful life with her Grandma Joy and in the midst of the dreaded “diagnosed”, Millie fights for a better care situation for her grandma. This fight includes hunting for a treasure that’s been buried since the 1920s. But that won’t stop Millie from doing it all for Grandma Joy. Her search is rudely interrupted by Ben Thornton and she must invite him to join the hunt or else suffer the consequences.

This duo is my favorite. They’ve both faced difficulties similar in their lives and now are trying to stay above the surface of the watery depths of bills, debts, and regrets. Each of their personalities fit like a puzzle piece inside the other and their banter was fun to read. I also love that Millie is such a strong woman. Though all women have flaws, she carries them with grace and poise, only breaking character (get it) when it all builds up and tumbles out. I’m a bit jealous of it. But Millie’s also a realistic woman, nothing far out or inconceivable about her. And Ben! He’s like your neighborhood friend. You don’t quite see him in that certain light until one day, it just clicks, and you’ve fallen head over heels for him. I can’t say enough how much I enjoyed reading about them and their story. Edge of my seat, drooling with every word with anticipation egging me on chapter after chapter.

All in all, it’s an easy, unbelievably enjoyable read that perfectly fell into my mailbox and lap. Would recommend this to all those who love a good contemporary and/or mystery read or just in general. One of my top 5 favorite reads this year.

ABOUT Liz Johnson:

About Liz Johnson

By day Liz Johnson is a marketing manager. She makes time to write late at night—that’s when she thinks best anyway. Liz is the author of more than a dozen novels, a New York Times bestselling novella, and a handful of short stories. She’s a Christy Award finalist and a two-time ACFW Carol Award finalist. She makes her home in Phoenix, Arizona, where she enjoys exploring local music, theater, and doting on her nieces and nephews. She writes stories of true love filled with heart, humor, and happily ever afters.

Connect with Liz! https://www.lizjohnsonbooks.com/

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